Monday, March 12, 2007

Japan: Ignorance is Bliss

Yesterday, the family and I went to Osaka to watch the March Grand Sumo Tournament. It was great. The yokozuna Asasyoryu was defeated, which traditionally means that the crowd throw their cushions towards the ring in appreciation of the effort.

As we took our seats, we noticed that there were a bunch of foreigners in the seats near us. As I later found out, the President of Georgia was sitting immediately behind us; there to watch his countryman Kokkai win his bout. The President and his entourage left after it was over.



Blogger Chimp Wong said...

I was told Sumo was a little slow paced - in between the short flurry of the bouts. Did you enjoy the traditional things in between?
I'd still like to see it though.

6:17 PM  

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