Monday, April 16, 2007

Japan: The Body Renewal Project

I"ve started exercising. Actually, I started a couple of days ago, but today was the first day to commit to the full program. I accompany my wife to her workplace in the mornings via a run/jog; and possibly pick her up in the afternoon if she doesn't work late. At night, I do some push-ups and crunches. My goal is to lose the flab around the stomach area. I'm already fairly skinny already as you would know, so I'll try to lose the fat while keeping the weight.

The key here is consistency. I plan to do this for a month.



Anonymous Allan said...

Hey dude, good to hear its all going well over in Japanland! Just to let you know, Aimee and Mum are gonna be over there for a couple of weeks in June. Not that you'll run into them, but whatever.

Take it easy dude!

4:41 PM  

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