Japan: Time Extension
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Found out that my brother-in-law's NTSC LCD TV isn't compatible with my PAL video camera, even though it can do HD. You would think that by now, especially with HD, that TVs should be able to handle any signal you throw at them... but no.
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I read that Melbourne's in Stage 3A water restrictions. Meanwhile, I have a bath every night! The sakura (cherry blossom) trees are starting to bloom, so we'll probably go to Osaka to check them out.
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After a lovely day yesterday, I have awoken today to rain.
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No one cares if you can sing or not - karaoke is all about participation.
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What surprised me about the ship launch was the sound of the ship rolling into the ocean. It wasn't as loud as I thought it was going to be. It was rather smooth - the sound of a thousand greased ball-bearings.
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My skin's feeling dry.
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There is a certain joy one can have watching Windows install.
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The evening started with a splitting headache, which put me out of commission for the night.
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All for $1199-ish. I'll be putting it all together in the coming days and moving all of the wedding work over to take advantage of the upgraded performance.
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Can't sleep again for some reason...
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A good time had by all!
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Slowly but surely getting to work on the two wedding videos...
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Turns out the new Uni-Qlo catalogue today has the clothes I bought last night discounted by 33% - boo!
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Thanks to everyone for reading my blog and posting comments. Unfortunately, I will not respond to each comment as Blogger does not post a notification to the original commentator. I enjoy reading them though, so please continue. Or just email me if you need something answered.
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Email service is now operational.
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It is raining today :(
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I really need a new computer. MPEG2 compression is taking ages...
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Will spend today filming the wedding. Fortunately, Japanese weddings are not as long as Vietnamese ones.
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I have lost all sense of time. Days no longer have a feeling. Thus the weekend begins in name only.
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Email service will return soon, when I get myself a flash disk and a copy of Portable Thunderbird.
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Have not decided how frequent my posts from Japan will be. Keeping them short, I believe, will increase frequency.
Labels: Japan