At the
Machinima Expo 2008,
An Unfair War was selected as one of the 6 Jury Award winners, alongside Leo Lucien-Bay's "Beast", Ian Chisholm's "Clear Skies", Michelle Petit-Mee's "The Snow Witch", Kerria Seabrooke's "Tiny Nation" and J. Rojas' "Turbulence".
I woke up at 5:30am to attend the presentation ceremony at
Jamville in Second Life. It was my first time in Second Life, and it was pretty cool. Here's some pics and commentary of the event. Unfortunately I didn't stay long - had to go to work, being a Monday morning and all. Damn American time zones!

Here I am at the Expo site in Jamville. I didn't bother too much with customizing my avatar, but did put on some sunglasses just in case there was someone else like me.

The outdoor screen. The ceremony started with the screening my
The Most Powerful Person in the World. Only saw half of it though because I was busy trying to figure out how to get the video streaming properly.

A view of the audience. A good turn out for the ceremony. There were some technical issues with the voice chat, but ultimately resolved. I was sitting at the back, but moved to the front row to hear the stage better.

That's me as the ceremony continued on. Some hot girls behind me - hopefully they're girls in real life too!

A view from the stage. Note the oversized novelty-sized MachinExpo award on the left.

Me on stage accepting my award, standing alongside the other recipients. I didn't have a mic, so I was unable to voice chat and so typed instead. Not sure if everyone in the audience heard my typing, but I made some good jokes :)

A group photo of the Jury Award recipients. A few of them work at
BioWare, and if BioWare is reading this, if you're willing to hire me and ship me and my family to Canada, I'm willing to accept. I'm a machinima director and a game designer!
I wish I could've stayed longer, because it really was nice to virtually hang out with fellow machinima makers. To everyone who came, the organizers and the other filmmakers, thanks for a good Expo!
Labels: Machinima